Saturday, November 7, 2009

Giveaway Winner!

So I know this was supposed to be posted yesterday on the 6th.. and here we are on the 7th...!! Ooooops! Yesterday was just SO hectic that it completely slipped my mind; I woke up this morning, and, AAAACK! GIVEAWAY!!!!!

So I went to the randomizer and out of the 16 entries I had, got my random number, then counted down from the first entry...

O.F.C.J from Overwhelming Fullness Like Carbonated Joy, girl you have WON! Drop me a mailing address sometime at nikineu[@] and your yumminess will soon be on its way to your tummy. :D


I hope a great weekend is in store for y'all; I honestly don't know WHAT we'll do... probably nothing!!!! The house closed yesterday so it is OURS, we have the keys and have already been dancing around like ninnies inside! :) We scheduled a moving truck for the 21st so we will be officially moved in then, but until then we'll bring over what we can, when we can. I am SO EXCITED, you have no idea!

That's all for now... I have to go scrounge up some breakfast.


O.F.C.J. said...

Oh My Gosh!! I'm just checking this. I saw it on my blogroll and was like, "Oh yeah!... ooh, I wonder?...". And I must say. .... YESSS!!! I am so excited about this. I was seriously into that chocolate. Can't wait.

Thank you Sami!;)

P.S. the email address is nikineu@gmail, without the bracket in front of "@", right? (I sent it, but want to make sure)


Sami said...

You're right! I'll check my emails now :D Yay!