Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hello, out there! We're startin' up!

Okay! HI!

Wow, the Blogger interface looks a little foreign... welcome back, me! :)

Now that I'm (finally) ready to blog again, I'm totally going to renovate this thing from the ground up. New layout, new name (maybe?), new content -- I want to post 3 times a week MAX, that every day posting thing just ain't my style! I'm excited. :)

And, yes, I've been going through something very scary. But before I post my story on that, I wanted to make this post first.

I'm SEVERELY going to be cutting down my blogroll. You know, in the whole renovation spirit. There are a lot of y'all that I read and comment on that also read over here, and I give you muchos smooches for it, but there are also a lot of people I read that I'm usually number 56 in their post comment total of 284, and that's no fun. So I'm working on weeding the blogs out that I just don't feel connected to! Slowly but surely.

So, for all 10 of you that still have me friended and read here (LOL), do me a favor and leave me a comment here so I make SUPER SURE to keep connected! I'll appreciate it, because my poor Google Reader is SUCH a mess, and at this rate I'm more likely to just junk the whole thing and start from scratch.

Ok, done! Since it's time for LOST (eee!), and also since you've read this far, here's a photo of the awesome sky I took yesterday! Some big ex-rain clouds rollin' on out of here... :)


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hey there blogfriends -

So it's been almost a month since I've posted.. I know, I'm awful. I'm also going through something pretty big and pretty scary right now, and while I'm not quite ready to talk about it, let's just say it's been a long time coming and it's not quite what people may think. So natch, I really haven't been feeling creative enough to blog lately.

I took a big step today towards doing what I have to do, so give me a little time to get some stuff under my belt and I'll come back to tell you all about it. :) I hope everyone is doing well, and is happy, healthy, and warm.
